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Hello Dolly!

I have been having a blast creating some sweet dollies with my original Hunny + Bee doll pattern! I am finding it a bit difficult however to get the time to create, and am trying to balance this between getting my first pattern available to you for sale (the Woodland Fawn) and of course, the kids keep me busy!

After the fawn is released, it will be all about making sure that my dolly pattern is ready to go! (PSST… Interested in being a pattern tester? Register your interest by joining my exlusive pattern testers mailing list here.) Before any pattern release however, I want to open up my online store for a short while and offer some ready made dollies and fawns as well as some custom spots.

Judging by the response on social media, there are a few people keen to get their hands on one of these dollies so if you’re one of them, make sure to join my mailing list where you might even find a sneaky discount code at release time (shhh, don’t tell anyone!)


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Stash-busting Bows Tutorial

In a previous life on a previous blog, I created this tutorial on how to make stash-busting bows (so you may have seen this before!). This can complement both male and female dolls beautifully. The following tutorial will demonstrate how to make a bow that is fully enclosed and revealing no raw seams.

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